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buffalo chicken rice crust pizza

buffalo chicken rice crust pizza

This recipe delivers all the buffalo chicken pizza flavor you love, wrapped in a healthy and unique rice crust. Perfect for 6 hungry individuals, it’s ready in just over an hour and boasts 26g of protein per slice!

buffalo chicken rice crust pizza

Buffalo Chicken Rice Pizza features

  • High protein: Each slice delivers a hefty 26 grams of protein, which can support muscle growth and repair, satiety, and bone health.
  • Lower in calories and fat: Compared to traditional pizza crusts, the rice crust offers a leaner option with fewer calories and fat.
  • Rice crust offers some fiber: Brown rice adds some fiber to the equation, aiding digestion and gut health.
  • Customizable toppings: You can control the overall healthfulness by choosing nutritious toppings like lean protein, vegetables, and low-fat cheese.